Tuesday 18 November 2014

A new flippy book idea

We have bought a lovely book about Rome that has transparent overlays that show over a modern photograph, what the picture would've looked like in Roman times.
This is a great idea and a fantastic book that we all just love. It makes understanding Rome much easier.
I do have a suggestion though for Rome. They need to do the same book. The photos of the famous monuments would be the starting point. The transparencies would then show what the famous place looks like without scaffolding. Many historic landmarks in the capital are covered with scaffolding. I joked to Clare today as we walked to see the famous Trevi fountain "I'd laugh if it was covered in scaffolding!"
Lo and behold, we rounded the next corner, and there it was in all it's pole and bracket format. A beautiful scene of horizontal and vertical lines. It was a pretty comprehensive covering too. Not too much to see really. I guess it would've been easier to use google street view to get a better glimpse.
As I say, underneath all of this is a famous monument you would all recognise! Got to laugh!


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